Anthony’s Birth Story
Anthony’s due date was March 3rd 2017. I decided that my last day at work will be February 25th and I will probably relax for a week maybe two (it didn’t seem like he was coming any time soon).
On the night of February 23 me and my husband went to bed as usual. A bit after midnight I started having some cramps but nothing really bad. I started turning and tossing and as a joke I said to Aleksi “Hey maybe its happening” (since I didn’t really know what to expect). An hour later I started feeling uncomfortable and turned the TV on. Aleksi decided to move to the other room since he had to get up at 5 am to go to work.
My cramping was getting more intense so I decided to take a bath just in case the time was coming. I’ve read that taking a bath helps with the pain. Just before 4 am I asked him to go to the emergency just to check what is going on (I didn’t want to go to work in the morning and then maybe I had to rush on my own to the hospital).
It’s Hospital Time
We walked into the hospital and all I knew was that I had to go to the third floor. There was nobody there it was all silence (surprisingly no one was screaming lol). Finally we saw a nurse and she put us in a room to check what is going on. I never called the hospital for which she looked a bit mad since she though she will probably send me home (I thought so too) because I was pretty calm and relaxed. She checked me and I was 4 cm dilated so they put me into a delivery room where I had to wait for all the fun stuff!
My Obgyn came in and checked me again. I was progressing fast so at 6 cm so he broke my water. Slowly the pain was becoming stronger and stronger. At 8 cm I gave in and ask for epidural (what a life saver) even though I had my mind completely set on all natural birth without any meds. At 8 am a new nurse started her shift and checked me -I was at 10 cm. My boy wasn’t low enough so they wanted me to wait a bit before I start pushing so he can go down on his own instead of me getting tired by pushing (he was stubborn and it seems like he wasn’t in a rush to come out).
It’s Baby Time
At 9:20 am my nurse said “Okay lets try pushing and see if he will go down”. I remember she kept saying good job, you are doing very well (me thinking yeah okay, probably nothing is happening). My obgyn had to take a call so he stepped out. While he was out I was still pushing with every contraction I had. My nurse kept telling me I am doing really well and she actually sees the head. I didn’t believe her since its been like 10 minutes! I asked does he have a hair lol and she said “oh yea lots of hair”. My doctor waked in and his exact words “Hold on! Stop pushing! I don’t have my gloves on! He is coming out!”
At 9:40 am my world changed forever and the most perfect gift was sitting on my chest! Me and Aleksi didn’t tell anybody I was in labor (since I didn’t think I was in labor until he actually came out). I sent a picture with Anthony laying on my chest to my whole family. They couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it! He came out so easy and I couldn’t be more thankful!